Monday, March 16, 2020

Entry 6

Image result for state board of education texas

After researching the members of state of board of education in Texas, I was able to see how about half of the board committee members have a background in teaching or have taught before. Which is really concerning, since they are the ones making the decision regarding the curriculum standards and the reviewing and adopting of materials. They are the ones who say what we should teach and how to teach it to students, which is ironic since most of them have never taught before. They don’t know what teachers learn, and what they need, to be able to provide the students the best education possible and how children learn in different ways. Most of them have a background in politics, they see the education of the students as political, and are most worry about the money that goes into the districts, rather than the student’s education. This is a wake-up call to start making changes, to demand that people who are on the board of education, were teacher or have a teaching background. The people who are making the decision regarding the education of students, should know what teachers do, and what they need help with, what changes need to be done so that children are successful in their education. 

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