Monday, March 16, 2020

Entry 5

Image result for A Young People's History of the United States

After reading Ch.1 of A Young People's History of the United States, I remember how I learn about Christopher Columbus and what he really did in high school. In elementary I remember reading about how he discovers America, and how he was portrayed as a good person. They never talked to us about what he really did, and how he was anything but a good person. There is a lot of thing that teachers in elementary don’t talk about because, they think it might be inappropriate for the students. Which is something that I notice when I started to learn about more people and what they did or what really happen in high school. But when I went to my observations, I saw how the teacher I was observing was reading a book to the children about a person who was a slave and what she accomplishes. The teacher explain to the students what was slavery and why it was wrong, at first I was surprise that she was talking to the students about slavery since they are first graders, but the way she explain it  to them was age appropriate, in a way that they understood it, without scaring them.  Which is something that all teacher should do instead of avoiding talking about these topics, we should let them read about them, but also taking in consideration that they are still children.

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