Monday, February 10, 2020

Entry 2

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When reading “Teaching What really Happened” by James A. Banks he mentions how his students  from college had a different understanding of a part of history that happen, which is a misconception they got from the history books, that they were provided to read in their schools. A book that was made not teach accurate information, but with the purpose of making money from it. This is something that I found surprising to read and its something that made me start to question things about what I have learned. Like how accurate are the things I learned in school? Have I been reading about false information without even knowing? These were some of the questions that started to pop in my head, while I was reading the introduction. It made me start to question a lot of things not just from school, but about society, how as children we are taught many things that are not entirely true, and we grow up with those misconceptions through our life. Like believing that Rosa Parks was the first to refuse to give up her seat, but it was Claudette Colvin who was the first to do it. These was something that I never knew before until we talked about it in class, since I in the textbooks I would always read about how Rosa Parks the first African American to refuse to give up her seat. I think this is something that teacher should watch in school, when giving students textbooks we should ensure that what they are reading is true. We don’t want students finding out in college that what they have read and know their entire life is actually not true.

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