Monday, February 10, 2020

Entry 3

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When I read the article about “A Brief History of Lawn”, I was surprise to find out that having a lawn meant a person had money and power. I never tough that a lawn, could mean so much more than just a piece of land cover in grass. Which for some people its more than that, their lawn ends up being for them a thing that they take care of them like if it was a baby or a pet. Which is something that my old neighbor used to do, he would fertilized his lawn, clean his lawn every day, he would cut his lawn almost every week, even till a point that he will use a scissor to make sure that his the grass was cut the same size. Which might seem over exaggerated to take so much care of a lawn, but I think it’s something that some people are passion it about. For my family when it comes to a lawn, what we look for is that the backyard is big, for the purpose of hosting parties, or just having space enough to put thing on the back yard, we don’t care so much of how it looks ,or on fertilizing it. Its weird how an everyday thing that we see, was consider before as a symbol of someone having wealth and power, which makes me think of how many other things that we have now, meant that a person had wealth and power before. I think this are some of the things we take for granted, being able to know the history of things helps us with how see things in the present and how things can change in the future.

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