Monday, February 10, 2020

Entry 4

Image result for why we teach history

After reading the articles a “Brief history of lawns” and “Teaching what really happen” the question of why we teach history came up. It’s a question that should have been answered, when they first taught us about history. Being able to know the purpose of why we are taught history, would have been helpful, in better understanding how we could use what we have learned and use it for the present. When I was in middle school, even in high school, there were moments in which I thought why we are learning about this? What is the purpose of learning something that happen a long time ago? Some people might say, “so that we can learn from our mistakes”, which is something that we always hear in middle school and especially in elementary. Which of course knowing what not to do is good for students to know, but it ends up being more than that. Its being able to learn about history so that students cannot just learn from our mistakes, but also make them better citizens, critical thinkers, and less ethnocentric. History is more than just learning about the past, is being able to know what we can do with what we have learn and use it in the present and in the future.

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